ADL without iPad/iPhone

From time to time we get asked if it is possible to use the ADL devices without a mobile device like an iPad, iPhone, Android device.

Usually you will need the ADLConnect app to control your ADL device. You can display the weather on other app and cockpit devices in some configurations but not control the device.
But there is one exception. If you have a wired connection to a flight plan sourc (only available on ADL140, ADL150(B), ADL190 and ADL200) you can start the automatic download mode without ever using your iPad (or iPhone/android device).

Add a user waypoint called "ADLGO" with arbitrary coordinates to the end of your flight plan. This will tell the ADL device to download this flight plan and start the automatic download mode. After a few minutes you can delete the point from your flight plan and the ADL device will keep going.

If you would like to stop the downloads you can attach a user waypoint called "ADLST" in the same way. Also switching off your avionics with the ADL device does stop the downloads. After rebooting it will not restart automatically, you will have to trigger it again to avoid accidental downloads and associated charges.

Please find below a few pictures of the procedure:

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