Interconnect - ForeFlight App

Weather and ADS-B Traffic

ForeFlight is able to display the radar, satellite data, strikes, METAR/TAF and ADS-B traffic information received from the all ADL devices including the ADLConnect for Iridium GO! variant. You can also transfer weather data downloaded with the ADLConnect app at home for demo purposes.

This manual contains all the details:
Displaying ADL Weather in ForeFlight v2.00


If you own an ADL180/190/200 device with AHRS, ForeFlight will also pick up this signal and use it to display its synthetic vision feature.

Copying Flight Plans

You can copy the currently active flight plan from ADLConnect to ForeFlight by taping on any waypoint in the right side flight plan list. Then select ForeFlight and the app will open displaying the copied flight plan.

For copying flight plans in the other direction, in the ForeFlight app please select the FPL Button, then use the little export button and then select "Share FPL FILE". Now a list of apps appears and among them should be ADLConnect. Select the ADLConnect icon and ADLConnect should open displaying the copied flight plan.

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